Brookfield Central High School PTO
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Wheaton Franciscan Charitable Foundation
WCAIO - Stop Program
The Students Talk it Over with Police (S.T.O.P.) program is designed to address the relationship between future young leaders (ages 12-17) and the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD). Objective is to decrease the chances of an initial volatile interaction and cultivate a sustainable and positive rapport. MPD realizes that a juvenile's perception of, and their relationship with, the police is an important social issue and is vital to the success of the police department's Community Based Policing crime reduction model.
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Wheaton Franciscan Charitable Foundation
WCAIO - Stop Program
The Students Talk it Over with Police (S.T.O.P.) program is designed to address the relationship between future young leaders (ages 12-17) and the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD). Objective is to decrease the chances of an initial volatile interaction and cultivate a sustainable and positive rapport. MPD realizes that a juvenile's perception of, and their relationship with, the police is an important social issue and is vital to the success of the police department's Community Based Policing crime reduction model.